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This service provides fish farmers with technical information regarding fish farming and aquaculture. General information on fish farming that entail fingerling production, fish production systems, site assessments, feeds, culture species are provided. Aquaculture pamphlets and extension manuals are availed to the clients.

Who is eligible?
  • Citizens
  • Individual farmers
  • Associations
  • Registered companies
How do I get this service?
  • Visit the nearest District Animal Production Office
What supporting documents are required?
  • No supporting documents
How long will this service take?

30 minutes. However this depends on the amount of support required by the farmer

Where can I get more information on this Service

Department of Animal Production
Private Bag 0032 
Plot 4071, Mmaraka Road
Gaborone ​
Tel. (+267 3689625/9022/9225
Fax. (+267) 3951120

Call Centre:
Tel. 17755
moa17755 [at] (moa17755[at]gov[dot]bw  )

Opening hours are from 07:30 to 12:45 then 13:45 to 16:30, Monday to Friday, except on public holidays.

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