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Any person who is both a citizen of Botswana and a foreign country will cease to be a citizen of Botswana unless the following measures are taken before the attainment of age twenty one (21):

  • Renounced the citizenship of the foreign country.
  • Taken the oath of allegiance.
  • Made such declaration of intentions concerning residence as may be prescribed.

If the citizen does not renounce the citizenship of the foreign country before the age of twenty one (21), the citizen will cease to be a Botswana citizen. Consequences of a loss of the Botswana citizenship are that one would not qualify for the Botswana passport or the National Identity card (Omang).

Who is eligible?

This service applies to people who are Botswana citizens by birth, descent and registration but are also citizens of other countries, and are under the age of twenty one (21) years.


  • Born in Botswana or outside Botswana and one of your parents is a citizen of Botswana at the time of your birth.
  • You can also be on dual citizenship if you were born by foreign citizens who later acquired Botswana citizenship and registered you as a citizen of Botswana before attaining the age of twenty one (21).
How do I get this service?

In order to access this service, applicants must follow the following steps:

  • Go to any Immigration office at least three (3) months before turning twenty one (21) to collect a letter as proof of dual citizenship.
  • Submit documents issued by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship to the foreign country to renounce the foreign citizenship. Contact the foreign country’s Department of Immigration and Citizenship for requirements in the renunciation process.
  • After renunciation of the foreign citizenship, go to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship to submit your application with proof that you have renounced the other citizenship and take oath of allegiance before attaining the age of twenty one (21) finalize the process by submitting below documents and taking the oath of allegiance.
What supporting documents are required?
  • Two passport sized photos.
  • Certificate of Declaration form. The applicant will be given a letter as proof of renunciation from their country of origin
  • Proof that one has renounced the other country's citizenship.
  • Copy of birth certificate
  • Registration Certificate (For children who were born by foreign citizens but later registered as citizens of Botswana).
  • Proof of parent’s citizenship (certified copies of valid Parent national Identity card/s and certified copies of citizenship certificates if they acquired Botswana Citizen).
How long will this service take?

Approximately one(1) month.

Where can I get more information on this Service

All Regional Immigration Offices, District Immigration Offices and Missions Abroad.

Department of Immigration and Citizenship

Ministry of Nationality, Immigration and Gender Affairs

Tel. (+267) 361 1300

Toll Free. 0800 600 777

Opening hours: 7:30 to 12:45, and 13:45 to 16:30, Monday to Friday, except public holidays.

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