According to the Marriage Act No. 18 of 2001, Chapter 29:01, any marriage that takes place within Botswana must be registered except marriages contracted in accordance with any customary law of Botswana or Muslim, Hindu or any other Religious right.
Why do you have to register a marriage?
- For national statistical purposes, to cater for development
- Evidence of existence of marriage having been legally solemnised
- Anybody over the age of 18 years
- Anybody below the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian. A guardian/parent must authorise in writing the subject to contract to such marriage.
In order to access this service, applicants must follow the following steps.
- Register intention to marry with the office stating whether solemnisation will be after Banns or Special Marriage Licence
- Marriage notice will be floated for 21 days
- Solemnisation of marriage at the District Administration office or by a Pastor
- National Identity Card (Omang) or passport for foreign nationals
- Letter of consent from parents if you are under 18 years of age
- Letter of confirmation from Kgosi that one is not married, or a letter of confirmation from their country of origin that they are not married for foreign nationals
- Statement from declarant and a certified copy of their identity document
The solemnisation takes after 21 days.
Civil and National Registration Offices
Department of Civil and National Registration
Head Office, Block 8, Government Enclave,
Khama Crescent, Private Bag 00240, Gaborone, Botswana
Tel. (+267) 361 1400
Fax. (+267) 395 9998
Toll Free Number. 0800 600 777