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The service predicts and evaluates environmental consequences of projects, plans, programmes and policies to mitigate negative impacts thus also to enhance positive impacts.

It is guided by the Environmental Assessment Act of 2010 and Environmental Assessment Regulations of 2012. Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) refers to environmental assessment report. Botswana Environmental Assessment Practitioners Board is responsible for registration and certification of practitioners as per Section 24 of Environmental Assessment Act of 2010.  Also see Botswana Environmental Assessment Practitioners Association (BEAPA) website (   

Purpose of Environmental Assessment

  • Is applied to prevent or minimize the adverse effects of major developments proposals
  • It is used as planning tool to promote sustainable development by integrating environmental considerations into a wide range of proposed actions
  • It is a procedural mechanism which provides information that can be used to improve the quality of decision making
  • It guides planners and developers on issues of location, design, size and helps provide alternative solutions
  • It provides an opportunity for Interested and Affected Parties (IAPs) to participate in the planning phase of development activities
Who is eligible?

All persons who wish to undertake or implement activities prescribed under Regulation 3 of Environmental Assessment Act of 2010. (See document Environmental Assessment Regulation)

How do I get this service?

Download, complete and submit a completed Project Brief Form to the nearest Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) office.

The Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) should review the form and respond through a letter/savingram. The details contained in the form is used by DEA to assess and screen the planned activity and decisions will occur as follows:

  1. Activity may be authorized to proceed without being subjected to a detailed Environmental Assessment study; or
  2. An Environmental Management Plan (EMP) may be required prior to project implementation and the following will be required
  • Engage a certified Environmental Practitioner, the list can be found at ( at the developer’s expense.
  • The practitioner should develop the EMP in accordance with the EA Act of 2010  and guidelines   provided in the Environmental Assessment Regulations, 2012 ;
  • Submit the draft report to the Department of Environmental Affairs for review and the department should respond through a letter;
  1. A detailed Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) study may be required prior to project implementation and this need to be done:
    • Engage a certified Environmental Practitioner, the list can be found at ( at the developer’s expense.
    •    The practitioner should publicize the intended activity, its effects and benefits in the  media using the official languages for a period of not less than 21 days;
    •  After the expiration of the period of 21 days, the practitioner should hold meetings with the affected people or communities to explain the nature of the activity and its effects as per Section 7 of EA Act of 2010
    •    The practitioner should develop the first report called the Scoping Report and Terms of Reference (ToR) in accordance with the EA Act of 2010 and guidelines provided in the Environmental Assessment Regulations, 2012.
    •     Submit the draft Scoping report and Terms of Reference to the Department of Environmental Affairs for review.
    •    The practitioner should then develop and submit the draft Environmental Impact Assessment report for review following approval of the Scoping Report and Terms of Reference.
    •    The draft report should be reviewed and response given through a letter.
    •    Where the statement complies with the requirements prescribed, the Competent Authority should place, at the developer’s expense, a notification in the Gazette and in a newspaper circulating at least once weekly using the official languages, for four consecutive weeks, inviting comments or objections from those persons who are most likely to be affected by the proposed activity and other interested person
    •    If the report meets all the requirements considered by the Competent Authority and provisions of the EA Act, the report is approved 
  2. If a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is required prior to implementation of a plan, programme or policy the below need to be done:
    • SEA process follows similar steps as outlined above for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process
What supporting documents are required?
  • Proof of land ownership (title deed, certificate for the plot, lease agreement, prospecting license, etc.)
  • Certificate of incorporation for the company including Share certificate. If applying as an individual, a copy of National Identity document or Passport
  • Location map/sketch map showing project physical location
  • Production process clearly showing all inputs and outputs at each stage of the process
How long will this service take?

Different stages of the Environmental Assessment process are subjected to different review timelines as follows:

  • Project Briefs are reviewed within 10 working days from time of submission
  • Advertisement for Public, Interested and Affected Parties (IAP) Consultation runs for a period of 21 days
  • Scoping reports with Terms of Reference are reviewed within 28 working days
  • Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA), Environmental Management Plans (EMP) and Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEA) are all reviewed within 60 working days
Where can I get more information on this Service

Department of Environmental Affairs

Plot No. 1271 Stanbic Building

Private Bag 0068

Travaglini House, 2nd Floor

Luthuli Road, Old Lobatse Road

Old Industrial  Area

Gaborone , Botswana

Tel: (+267) 3902050

Fax: (+267) 3902051

Email: MENT_PR [at]

Opening hours: 07:30 – 12:45 & 13:45 – 16:30, Monday to Friday, except Public Holidays.

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