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The service handles situations where any accident occurs in a factory or other places or process or operation to which the provision of the Factories Act apply; whereby;

  • Loss of life is caused to a person employed in that factory
  • Any person is disabled for more than three days from earning full wage at the work at which he was employed; or which is the one of the classes of dangerous occurrences specified in the Act, written notice of the accident in the prescribed form and accompanied by prescribed particulars shall be forthwith be sent to the chief inspector.

Subsequent to the reporting of the accident an investigation shall be conducted immediately. The investigation will entail Interviews, Acquisition of victim and witness statements, observation, review of documents and sampling. Failure to comply with statutory requirement may lead to legal proceedings against the offender

Who is eligible?

Employers and employees prescribed under the Factories Act

How do I get this service?
  • Immediately report an accident or dangerous occurrence in a prescribed form (OHS form 60) which can be obtained from Department of Occupational Health and Safety (DOHS)
  • Upon receiving the notification the DOHS will release a team to conduct investigation of the accident / dangerous occurrence and subsequently come up with recommendations to avert recurrence
What supporting documents are required?
  • Qualifications of the victim and some colleagues
  • Employment contract
  • Identification documents
  • Insurance certificate
  • Reports for examinable plant
  • Materials safety data sheets and maintenance record of machines
How long will this service take?

Fourteen (14) working days

Where can I get more information on this Service

OHS Offices' Contact Numbers

Occupational Health and Safety Department
Ministry of Employment Labour Productivity and Skills Development
Private Bag 00241
Block 8, Government Enclave
Tel. (+267) 3732700
Fax. (+267) 3952261

Occupational Health and Safety Department
Ministry of Employment Labour Productivity and Skills Development
Private Bag F422
1st Floor, Ntshe House
Conner Guy and St Patrick Streets
Tel. (+267) 2417739
Fax. (+267) 2417740
Occupational Health and Safety Department
Ministry of Employment Labour Productivity and Skills Development
Private Bag 157
Integrated Block, Rural Administration Centre
Tel. (+267) 6862463
Fax. (+267) 6860486
Occupational Health and Safety Department
Ministry of Employment Labour Productivity and Skills Development
Plot 3114
1st Floor, Century House
Corner of Letsholathebe Street and 1st Khama Avenue
Tel. (+267) 5300118
ax. (+267) 5200123
Occupational Health and Safety Department
Tel. (+267) 2610288
Fax. (+267) 2610287

Ministry of Employment Labour Productivity and Skills Development
Private Bag 11
Plot 2574
1st Floor above Department of Tourism

Opening hours: 07:30 to 12:45, and 13:45 to 16:30 Monday to Friday, except public holidays.

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